Brick oven built by Lady. Christine.
Hi Rado:
Glad to hear from you, oven master !
It went along very nicely with my scaled down version of your design. For proof, see images. I was very fortunate that the Quikrete company guy gave me the lime – about 20 pounds for free.
Well, I guess I shouldn’t say free because I will bake him a lovely loaf of bread in exchange. Thanks in for your help.
I normally cook bread and granola. This year – Thanksgiving turkey!
This is a half size oven, I scaled it down – still it’s large enough for a family of 2 :)

Oven name and location:
“Our Daily Bread”, Snellville, Georgia, USA
Christine’s oven built 99% by a 60 year old woman!
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Very well done… you are an inspiration for all of us over 60. Your oven is devine!
By Henry
Such a beautiful style. Your oven looks wonderful! Well done Christine
By Sam
Another scaled down oven built by Paul.
By Rado
I’m newly separated from my husband of 28 years and have always wanted a pizza oven. I’m an artist and good with my hands and have done all kinds of home remodeling but I’ve always had help. So my question is this: can a 125 lb woman do this on her own? Is this a job for more than one person? My girlfriends are not construction savvy and I’ve got no men to depend upon right now.
I live in an 1830’s log cabin with a great wrap around covered porch and have plenty of space. What do you estimate the basic costs to be? I understand that adornment is all extra (personally- I would do gaudi like mosaic) so I just mean the bare bones part?
Thanks for your help. :) Anita
added by Rado:
Hello Anita,
You could. If you had a friend/s to help you, e.g. to lift the concrete blocks (these go into 4 rows, hip level) and to mix concrete, it’s only great, you can cook for them pizzas later. Building brick oven is not hard to do, many people who never held a brick have built nice ovens for themselves. Basically; take it by building gradually, focus only on the one stage that you do. From the detailed photo sequence you will see ahead exactly what will be done, and how. Each stage/step on its own (e.g. the slab, inner walls, top slab, firebricks part etc.) is little job and easy. And stage by stage the structure grows nicely. Not much measuring goes around, only on the ground slab for the inner and outer-decorative walls, after that the oven is risen upwards and all is done on the initial brick count (you will see on the disk how I approach this. If stones are used for making the outer deco walls then the depth and width lines can be 2″ – 5cm further apart, on each side, because some rocks might be larger/wider than ordinary house bricks.) The photo sequence is detailed. To reach e.g. what is on the picture 355 in MTo disk, it can be done in 7 days but you do not need to do it in this timing. Work with Besser blocks or firebricks is faster, and there is waiting one and half day (or anywhere longer) for curing the ground and upper slab for the cement to cure. To imagine the ground slab area, it is small, roughly of the surface a double-bed has.
I would help you with lifting of the blocks and mixing concrete for the slab but I am thousands of miles away. You will enjoy doing more thinking over the DVD and clear details on the photos. Look into the MTo sequence, especially the firebrick entrance into the oven and also its non refractory features.
The bare bones; Basically it’s cost of firebricks, concrete and the blocks and house bricks mainly. I always search for these in advertisement papers, people sell really for fraction of price or give away to get rid off a great left over material from other building projects. If you could ‘even gradually’ source material this way then for $1K or much less a great oven can be built (complete oven with included landscaping around the oven, even with outdoor chunky table with two benches to sit on -> the table you can see in MTo sequence was just under 20 bucks with all bolts). Here is one oven with mosaic on, and another couple also New Zealand, oven art and similar contours to look at, both almost Gaudi like shapes. Perhaps you’ll enjoy the idea to an extend as you’ve mentioned him.
125 pounds = 56.6990463 kilograms
Your paintings are beautiful.
By Anita Miller
Christine, Your oven looks fabulous. I too am over 60 and chomping at the bit to build a brick oven. I’m strong enough to lift the blocks and bricks, but don’t have a plan. Would you please share yours. I read the advice given Anita and can scrounge some supplies to help defray costs. Any help is appreciated, Thank-you Gail.
By Gail San Juan
are there actual numbers of inside and outside dimensions? I have a stone wall base that I would like to get an oven on and entire buildable area maybe 36 in x 36 in.
By James M. Dungan
I am so impressed with your building! Thanks for sharing with us! brick mason fort worth
By Zach
Thank you!! I’m 67, widowed. And want a pizza oven in my backyard. Will build it all myself, with a help from 68 year old sister. How difficult or easy was it for you to complete your oven? Beautiful job!
By Allie
Hi, Rado! Hope you’re doing great. I’m following the rectangular dome project. Is there a right angle to create the dome? I’m afraid it won’t hold and the oven will collapse. Thx so much for the help, your website has the best projects so far!
By Lucas