Making concrete slab with footings
Making concrete slab with footing in the ground.
Masterly Tail oven design (3G MTo) – 3G MTo Main Page
1. Post here (below) exact dimensions of your common cement blocks. Full size, half size and quarter size blocks – the large size that I used and 1/3 thin. In inches or millimeters units. This is to workout exact slab dimension for the ground slab for oven builders. It is easy and also fast to calculate the slab dimensions when the block size is known.
2. Otherwise, for those who do it on their own, the slab extends on each side 1″ – 25mm from the walls (read pointers on “Raising walls” page.) It looks much better, in my opinion, if the walls with the slab are not flush.
1. Making ground concrete slab
Part 1 “how to make a ground slab with footings” contains 59/140 photos. Total images 0001 – 0140 (out of 2,785 all up)
3G MTo main page.
There are also the Swishy oven and Original MTo designs to consider and to look at, full versions for download or on CD’s. Brick work decorations from either of the two ovens can be easily adopted.
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Hi Rado,
Thanks for doing this! There’s a lot of work to do, hopefully everyone will be able to help out with the descriptions.
Just a note: some of the links under the photos just return me back to the top of the page instead of opening a pop-up window with a larger image of the photo.
All the best- Jens
By Jens Gerbitz
Hi Jens,
Thank you. Yes some people can create descriptions just by talking about what they do at the moment.
* Which image numbers don’t open to you? Try refreshing the page, I may have made some changes.
By Rado
Hi Rado- It looks like it was just a browser problem, I was working with an older version of Explorer at (ahem) work.
I’m starting to source materials for our oven project in July. Any idea when you will have a complete materials list available?
Cheers- Jens
By Jens
Thanks for all the details!
One suggestion, if it’s still possible at this late date, can you set a “visited link” color?
With this many photos, it would be nice to be able to tell which photos I have already viewed at full-size.
Thanks again for your efforts.
By Irv
@Jens – Thank you. I thought it’ll be the browser-cache.
@Irv – Yes, practical! Thinking about it now, each large photo opening link is run by javascript href link. I reckon css style “visited link” wouldn’t do it because it is ImageOpen not a page url open. Unless you can help/advice with how to make it, I will have to postpone that until all images are in. Might be simple to do but I will need to learn again about how to approach this improvement; I am not that knowledgeable about webdesign.
I changed that on the top concrete slab page. Although on repeated page load all is blue again. I don’t have time for it now.
*** Guys, because these are rather webmaster kind topics, I will keep them here only for a week.
By Rado
Rado, Thank you for the quick response. Can wait for my CD so I can get started. I have one question which I forgot to ask when I ordered the CD. In the area I have pavers with a mix of dry sand and cement under them around the spot where the brick oven is going to be situated. Do I still need to place a 4′ thick base of cement under the brick oven? Can I just start building right over the pavers? Thanks. Waiting to hear from you.
By Joe
Hi Joe,
If the ground was real hard, like a bed rock etc. underneath, you probably could build the oven straight on. In this case, I would still suggest to create a nice slab however, what if the round changes under the weight of the oven, it’s heavy. You could dig in and make only stable footings in the ground at least (instead of the whole slab) with the block walls built up from the reinforced with metal bar footings, would be a wise plus quick thing to do.
By Rado