Progress of our Spherical Pizza Oven
Hi Rado,
Here is Progress of our Pizza Oven.
Thanks for the Oven building disk.
Many times I have looked for construction inspiration to the finer details on the disk.
I know you like fire brick ovens, I went for a spherical dome with refractory cement for the heat face (dome).
Then on top is 25mm blanket (1″), plus 2 x 25mm (2″ total thickness) layers of vermiculite thermal insulation.
I have a final mortar coat to go on the dome.
As you see the pizza oven is part of an outdoor kitchen (with built-in BBQ as well) construction which I started first with the concrete footing back on 17 August.
I got pretty good at brick arches I reckon.
I lost track of the hours on the whole project, that’s how I was enjoying it.
Been a labor of love. The oven and thew hole kitchen everything is covered under the roof. See the chimney going up.

Had 1 pizza cooking session and first up bare bake on the bricks.
Worked well.
Again thanks for the Oven building disk – lots of great ideas there.
David – Shorncliffe Brisbane
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Hi David,
Thank you for posting your oven photos, the place and the kitchen with oven look fantastic. What will be cooking or baking the most from now on?
Do you have more photos from your oven construction, or a photo from the inside of the dome?
By radko
Hi Rado,
I built a brick oven in 2008-2009, and you were a big help. We moved, and I’m going to build a new one at the house, but this time I’d like to build a Pompeii style oven- question: why don’t they have an ash slot on them? haven’t seen one round dome with an ash slot- doesn’t it get better airflow w/ it?
By Bill Wright
Hi Bill,
Yes I just replied to a very similar question about the ash slot functionality and whether it is crucial to have. Please see my answer to your question on that page. You can let me and other know what you think now or intend to do.
By Rado
Hi Radko,
Or anyone that can assist, lol. Wanting to build a great barrel shaped oven, seems easier. Anyway, can I get hold of the info or areas to visit specifically barrel style oven?
By Scotty