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Cabbage Soup

Directions on how to make traditional cabbage soup with meat sausage or smoked meat, sauerkraut (finely sliced cabbage which was then fermented), potatoes, dried mushrooms and sour cream with spices. Here this cabbage soup can easily be made in various other volumes e.g. 2, 4, 6 gallons or 8, 16, 24 liters large cooking pots.

Category: Creations, Food, General, Health — Tags: , , , , , , , ,

The flue vent and hot-air passage. How Wide & Deep are they?

Optimal flue width and depth. How to make a correct flue design and how to build a flue. Here we properly calculate how deep and how wide the flue should be. Formula for making correctly sized and functional fire exhaust, the flue with hot-air passage and the smoke collecting hood box vent. The hot air passage upwards connects to a chimney size pipe or a chimney lining (or just a plain brick work). Learn how to work out the size of a well functioning flue…

Category: Creations, General — Tags: , ,

Saving money, Saving time, in building brick ovens.

For people without or with business or accounting degrees and such skills, here is my formula for how to save money on buying building material. Saving either time or money might be quite important also while building wood fired brick pizza ovens. It is a worthy project for the future therefore also an investment. Both in practical sense and in so many pleasing aspects. Thank you for subscribing to traditional oven com newsletter for updates and news. No need to be frugal. To be smart and weary of these ideas will do.

Category: Creations, General, Green — Tags: , , , , , , ,

At long last a roof!

Metal roof built on this arty stone structure! Art-work with metal and stones. Blacksmith artist built between her jobs these metal ribs for the roof and the front supports. Then we had to drill 60 holes and tap these holes to attach the steel work onto the stone structure. The cover functions perfectly, it is a great looking roof with the stones.

Category: Creations, General, Green — Tags: , , ,

Vermiculite based insulation

What is vermiculite and how to use it? Learn about the vermiculite lightweight concrete, thermal insulation for many heat resistant applications and fireproofing. Where to buy various grade sizes of loose vermiculite insulation for building not just wood fired ovens?

Category: Creations, General, Green — Tags: , , , ,

How I got my traditional oven

How I initially got the idea of building my own stone wood fired traditional oven at our house? First from reading in a book about how Hocho Indians used their invented stone ovens and how they cooked in them. After from the Internet search on Google, I entered to this website pages and became interested in the Masterly Tail oven type plans.

Category: Creations, General — Tags: ,

Earth bread cob oven by the sea

Building our cob mud earth clay wood fired oven by the sea and the first pizza cooked in 2 minutes from this earth cob oven was a great fun. I used to visiting a building site daily to collect all the clay mud mix for the whole oven building. We successfully bake breads and roast meats, Mediterranean vegetables with roast lamb on garlic and rosemary in this cob oven.

Category: Creations, General, Green — Tags: , , , , ,

Tim’s 32″ dome oven in winter

One happy wood oven owner’s winter gourmet artistry experiences. Cooking in his pizza oven when it is below zero outside and keeping his beverage from freezing while they have the snowing season in the cold climate of Canada. Fire in pizza oven and cooking is on.

Category: Creations, Food, General — Tags: , ,

My oven cooks FANTASTIC !!

My wood fired oven ( Masterly Tail oven design – MTo ) cooks FANTASTICALLY. A few pictures of this oven and pizza, leg of lamb, YUMMY foods cooked in it! Rado, Thank you! MTo firebrick dome, template for firebrick arch vault, ground base slab, concrete block walls, decorative facade for the wood burning oven and builder Greg’s oven building service. Oven is located in North Fort Myers, Florida US.

Category: Creations, Food, General, Green — Tags: , , , , ,

Making a wooden bread peel – pizza paddle

I have made a wooden peel, a paddle made of wood, for loading breads into the oven. I already have a metal paddle for working with pizzas. Cooking in our newly built wood fired pizza oven as a celebration for final finishes of the render on the oven walls. Meals cooked this way inside of these ovens really are the best culinary gold produced so to speak!

Category: Creations, Food, General — Tags: , , , , , , ,

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