Stainless steel oven thermometer
Stainless steel analog gauge oven thermometers for measuring cooking temperature in ovens. These are my favorite thermometers. So simple, cheap and slow responding to the heat atmosphere inside the oven, still they are the most suitable tool for measuring temperature and for producing those very real gourmet quality meals with ease.
Category: Food, General, Green — Tags: information, Product, SAVING, thermometer, wood oven —
Digital thermometer with K-type thermocouple probe
Digital thermometer TC305K with a K-type thermocouples probe for measuring temperature inside ovens or various kilns. I purchased this very digital thermometer many years ago and have been using it constantly ever-since.
Category: General, Green — Tags: information, Product, Science, thermometer, wood oven —
Chicken and cibatta bread baking in our pizza oven
The cooking begins. Family were coming over for lunch so I started the fire in our pizza oven and cooked a few pizza appetizers. I am into learning culinary arts now, poultry roasting, baking specialty breads and all gourmet cooking.
Category: Creations, Food, General — Tags: baking, cooking, Hobby, pizza, rice, roasting, thermometer —