Built by Dutch, in:
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Dutch and Rebecca heat up their bakery oven
Dutch with partner Rebecca enjoy firing up their brick oven. Now they own a bakery with cafe.

Oven's name: "Missitio"

Photo by: Dutch and Rebecca
Location: Sardis, Mississippi
Title: We bake great breads, we cook great pizzas.
Description: I made a small fire at the back of the oven, started it in the back so it took a little extra time to establish the draft, it burned well. I added a bit of wood one piece at a time and then took a few photos. Let me know what you think.
I have just finished baking breads and before eating some of the most delicious pizza I have had in years. We bake breads in the very traditional way, without any embers or fire in the oven at all. All the loaves baked at the same time and were finished cooking in about 25 to 30 minutes. The bread went into the oven when it was about 480 degrees F. Since it is now Autumn in Mississippi we may try to cook other things in the oven like turkeys or roasts and will soon try some desserts.
Breads were done Friday and we had people for a pizza party on Saturday. All was extremely great and our friends thought it was the best pizza they have ever had.
Thanks for everything!
PS The oven still needs a roof to be put on.
Jamie and Katrina's brick oven with temperature gauge, in Victoria.
Baking sourdough breads in quantity in Canada
Wood oven and meats cold smoker by Reinhard in Clearwater, Florida
Pompeii brick pizza oven.
Pizza oven and hut built by Tony in Philippines
Wood fired family oven and chimney project by Robert in Austria
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- Good thermometer
- Oven building 1
- Building oven 2
by Rado Hand