Built by Adam, in:
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Round igloo pizza oven built in Perth
Oven with the standard flu opening at the front. Spine with a cavity over the top connected into the chimney flue at the rear-back area.

Oven's name: Round pizza oven
Photos by: Adam
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Title: My first oven
Description: Hope you like my first oven I built. I made most off the family help specially the in-laws as they are the wogs and I just a skip. I am about to build my second wood fired oven.
Adams Eden Landscaping
& feature concreting
Jamie and Katrina's brick oven with temperature gauge, in Victoria.
Baking sourdough breads in quantity in Canada
Wood oven and meats cold smoker by Reinhard in Clearwater, Florida
Pompeii brick pizza oven.
Pizza oven and hut built by Tony in Philippines
Wood fired family oven and chimney project by Robert in Austria
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- Rectangle shape vs. round igloo
- Building details
- Refractory concrete
- Heat resistant mortar
- Concrete cladding layer
- Thermal insulation
- Fire-bricks
- Fire-clay
- Saving money & time
- Good thermometer
- Oven building 1
- Building oven 2
by Rado Hand