Built by Fred, in:
ovens images gallery
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It is a main visual feature
Building and crafting with stone, and making masonry structures from stones, not only pays well but also such objects easily make it as the main visual feature of a place. Just to add to their also practical aspects.

Photo by: Fred
Location: West Texas
Title: Oven in local stone built by Fred
Description: Photo of finished oven in local stone built by Fred. Oven is located in a cowboy country in Texas, near Kerrville. Completed in October 29, 2004 and 'as they say' it has been abused almost on daily bases for making those truly most delicious meals. How about that!
Jamie and Katrina's brick oven with temperature gauge, in Victoria.
Baking sourdough breads in quantity in Canada
Wood oven and meats cold smoker by Reinhard in Clearwater, Florida
Pompeii brick pizza oven.
Pizza oven and hut built by Tony in Philippines
Wood fired family oven and chimney project by Robert in Austria
Oven info & galleries
- Home Page
- Oven building CDrom details
- Pizza ovens
- New gallery
- Oven meals
- Vintage forum
- Rectangle shape vs. round igloo
- Building details
- Refractory concrete
- Heat resistant mortar
- Concrete cladding layer
- Thermal insulation
- Fire-bricks
- Fire-clay
- Saving money & time
- Good thermometer
- Oven building 1
- Building oven 2
by Rado Hand