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Heating up and cooking in winter
All this in a snowy freezing Canadian winter. Heating up the oven and cooking outdoors when none would say it's possible.

Oven's name: "Tim's oven/grill"

Photo by: Tim
Location: Ottawa Canada
Title: Wood fire & cooking in freezing snowy weather
Description: Hi all,
mine is a ground oven located near Ottawa Canada.
The oven is firebrick, clad with field-stone, uninsulated, with a domed grill on top.
The oven is 24" deep 16" wide and 16" to the dome. Since completion, Oct. 04, I've fired almost 50 times, and I have not bought a loaf of bread at the store.
As you can see I fire up all winter, there is about 3+ feet of that white stuff (we don't use the "s" word this early in the fall) around the oven. I live on what in these parts is called a mountain ... really a 900' hill, but we can get a snowfall early in October some years, so we try not to think about that. We love the winter, I maintain 7km of ski trails (with snowshoes) mostly on our 300 acres of bush. But summer is so fleeting that as much as we love winter, it can wait.
We of course find the southern hemisphere and Australia equally mystic. I heat my house and two shops (blacksmith and pottery) with wood that I cut on the property.
Here are some non snowy shots of Tim's oven/grill. One shot of each of the oven side, the grill side, and a close up of the oven iron doors made by my wife, talented blacksmith Lydia VanderStaal. I ran out of film before I could get the "what's cooking in the oven?" picture.
Happy spring to ya! You there down under are enjoying a warm season. Snow in the northwest!
Tim from Canada
Jamie and Katrina's brick oven with temperature gauge, in Victoria.
Baking sourdough breads in quantity in Canada
Wood oven and meats cold smoker by Reinhard in Clearwater, Florida
Pompeii brick pizza oven.
Pizza oven and hut built by Tony in Philippines
Wood fired family oven and chimney project by Robert in Austria
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- Heat resistant mortar
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- Thermal insulation
- Fire-bricks
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- Saving money & time
- Good thermometer
- Oven building 1
- Building oven 2
by Rado Hand