Built by Rado, in:
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Avoiding cutting firewood
As the longer pieces gradually burn down, push them deeper into the oven at the same time. No need to waste time and energy or fuel for cutting all firewood amount.

Photo by: Rado
Location: Queensland, Australia
Title: Firewood pushed into the dome gradually
Description: End of a longer tree branch, good as firewood, sticking out of the chamber. Starting with the heavier end put it inside. As it gradually burns down I push it deeper inside. Saves me energy. There is no need for wood cutting all the time. that work or expense can be outsmarted with this logic.
* Just watch it and push it in as it burns as the fire could progress all the way outside from the oven this way, if you are not careful.
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Pompeii brick pizza oven.
Pizza oven and hut built by Tony in Philippines
Wood fired family oven and chimney project by Robert in Austria
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by Rado Hand