Convert measuring units of
Carob flour (raw natural, carob powder) amount
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Table with specific weight and volume units of Carob flour (raw natural, carob powder) amounts with conversions into their respective grams (g) and ounces (oz) NET WT. equivalent measures.
Measure & Unit name | = g | = oz |
g, gram | 1.00 g | 0.035 oz |
dag, dekagram (10g) | 10.00 g | 0.35 oz |
portion 100 g, grams | 100.00 g | 3.53 oz |
kg, kilogram (1,000g) | 1,000.00 g | 35.27 oz |
oz, ounce (28.35g) | 28.35 g | 1.00 oz |
lb, pound (16oz) | 453.59 g | 16.00 oz |
cup | 103.00 g | 3.63 oz |
tbsp | 6.00 g | 0.21 oz |
The conversion results for Carob flour (raw natural, carob powder) amounts found in the table below reflect the Unit From measure chosen in the units converter above.
Measure & Unit name | = |
1 g, gram | |
1 dag, dekagram (10g) | |
1 portion 100 g, grams | |
1 kg, kilogram (1,000g) | |
1 oz, ounce (28.35g) | |
1 lb, pound (16oz) | |
1 cup | |
1 tbsp |
Convert measuring units of this product quantities with the twin unit to unit converters.
1 cup of carob flour in weight will come to 103 grams. There are only a few lighter in weight flours than the flour milled from carob bean pods. The calculator on this page will convert carob flour measures into other measuring units.
Fresh carob flour from carob pods
In medicine and medicinal aspects, carob has a few very interesting healing properties therefore is being used by many herbalists and naturopaths as well as dietitians for treatments of mainly digestive system diseases.
Determine nutritional information of varieties of food items and calculate, or convert, their volume and weight amounts into measurable units of different quantities.