Oven with adapter to cold-smoke in it
The difference of cold smoking versus hot smoked meats. Brick oven system with an adapter to cold-smoke in it, bake, and cook and make pizzas.
Category: miscellaneous, ovens, rectangular — Tags: backyard, garden project, oven, pizza oven, smoker, smoking —
Insulating tiles under fire bricks floor
A pizza oven and a kitchen both created outdoors. This pizza oven was built the way that it has insulating tiles on top of the top concrete slab and with fire bricks sitting on top of the tiling insulation. The oven still retains good heat within the firebrick layer for making many pizzas while the fire is ongoing.
Category: ovens, rectangular — Tags: insulation, outdoor kitchen, oven, pizza oven, pizzas —
Oven in elliptical concrete drainage pipe
Wood fired pizza oven built by Marty. it is fitted into a new elliptical concrete drainage pipe. The pizza oven has firebrick and fire resistant lining inside of it and is insulated on the outside with kaowool thermal glass fiber insulation. Copper sheet casing with metal rivets, type of look, will cover this structure on the outside.
Category: miscellaneous, ovens, rectangular — Tags: art work, garden project, oven, pizza oven, pizzas —
Rock-wool insulation
A modification of Masterly Tail oven, the MTo design firebrick part inside and Swishy oven on the outside. I used rock-wool for insulation and the oven holds the stored heat extremely well. Rock wool is often called also Kaowool fiber insulation.
Category: miscellaneous, ovens, rectangular — Tags: backyard, garden project, insulation, oven, pizza oven, scaled —
Round features on this pizza oven
I used old glass bottles in building this internally round pizza oven. The oven has 850 mm diameter and 430 mm high vault. When the oven got completed I focused on making its round outside features. The pizza oven fits into an old existing garden wall.
Category: igloo round, miscellaneous, ovens — Tags: art work, backyard, garden project, oven, pizza oven —
Mediterranean contours pizza oven
Another Mediterranean like masonry art design beautifully achieved with this wood fired oven, and not only on the oven, the whole outside kitchen was built with the same feel to it. It’s quite nice. It is located in New Zealand.
Category: igloo round, miscellaneous, ovens — Tags: art work, backyard, garden project, outdoor kitchen, oven, pizza oven —
Bush Creek Pizza’s (and bread’s)
Very beautiful tiled mosaic decoration created with stones and tiles on a wood burning pizza oven project. Art work by Eddie and Vianney from New Zealand.
Category: miscellaneous, ovens, rectangular — Tags: art work, baking, bread, chimney, garden project, gardening, kitchen equipment, outdoor kitchen, oven, pizza oven, pizzas —
Surtur Giant of fire in Icelandic mythology
Small igloo round pizza oven we now call Surtur. Meaning of Surtur, he is or he represents a giant god of fire in Icelandic mythology.
Category: igloo round, ovens — Tags: outdoor kitchen, oven, pizza oven, pizzas —
Bangkok wood burning oven by Peter
Pizza oven built in Bangkok by Peter with his wife. The have it situated next to their wooden log cabin. The property with the cabin is located outside of Bangkok city.
Category: ovens, rectangular — Tags: backyard, oven, pizza oven —
River Rocks on the oven’s outside
My wood burning pizza oven built out of firebricks and on the outside out of river rocks I’ve collected personally one by one in the nature around us where I usually go for walks each day.
Category: ovens, rectangular — Tags: art work, backyard, garden project, metal fabrication, oven, pizza oven, recycled material, stone chimney, stone project —