Wood burning oven built under roof cover
Very practical wood burning oven under a spacious roof cover in Shingletown, California, USA. Everything built by Paul and Karen. And the goodies their oven produces. Pizza and bread help from Paul.
Category: baking, breads, Culinary Gold, miscellaneous, ovens, rectangular — Tags: backyard, baking, bread, chimney, fire in oven, garden project, kitchen equipment, outdoor kitchen, oven, pizza oven, pizzas, rain, roof —
Oven under a large roof for cooking in the rain
I can cook in my wood fired oven pleasantly while outside is raining or snowing. No matter what’s the surprise with the weather, the oven and people or everything else is kept nicely dry under the spacious roof – extended both ways, in the front and at the back.
Category: ovens, rectangular — Tags: backyard, chimney, fire in oven, garden project, oven, pizza oven, rain, roof, snow, winter —