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Re: Space in Hearth concrete slab
From the WFO board
Posted by Rado
In Reply to: Space in Hearth concrete slab posted by Larry S
Yes it's the ash drop. A to Z page and pictures on ash removal, see page liked below. Ash is or can be taken out from the oven after 3-5 plus firings.
Removing wood ash from a wood fired oven? Each left over ash from a previous firing looses its charcoal pieces when it is left inside the oven and the oven is re-fired again. The previous charcoal turns to powder, burns completely. There fore for a garden soil improvement, empty ashes after every firing and spread it on ground.
Warning: some burning red hot embers might still glow in the ash.
Jamie and Katrina's brick oven with temperature gauge, in Victoria.
Concrete blocks used for the oven’s outer walls. By Joe in Connecticut USA
Wood fired family oven and chimney project by Robert in Austria
My oven with fireplace, cook food and heat water, by Joel in Philippines
Baking sourdough breads in quantity in Canada
Pizza oven and hut built by Tony in Philippines