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Baked 1st Time in Rock Oven: Success!
From the WFO board
Posted by Herb_Wis ( on March 15, 2004 at 04:38:42:
No one responded to my previous question about temps, so yesterday I just went ahead and tried baking some simple French white bread in my rock stove (built for heating, not baking).
I simply guessed at the amount of wood to use. First I made the dough and set it aside to rise. Later I thought that maybe I should have fired the rock stove first, but as it turned out maybe not.
I loaded the rock stove 3 times: a kindling load and then two chunk loads. When the last loading burned down to coals I stuck a thermometer inside the door and got a 350 F. reading. "Good enough!" I thought and put the 3 metal pans with dough inside on a metal rod rack. The rock is about 12" above about 8-10" on the sides and the coals about 12" below (I should measure that) the bread pans.
The directions for the bread called for 425 F. for 30 mins. Well I didn't seem to have that temp but went ahead anyway. In 30 mins the 2 inner pans had brown crust and I took them out. I shoved the one near the door (not so brown) further in for another 5 minutes.
Later I cut the darkest loaf and it was pretty good. It was not quite as airy as I remember when my mom made it and the interior may have been just a touch underdone, but it wasn't bad at all for my very first attempt and quite eatable.
The interior part of the loaf seemed to have 2 different texture layers (one white and one more raw looking). Maybe I didn't kneed it enough? The dough was awful sticky and used dry flour while kneeding to unsticky it. But maybe I got it sort of layered (sticky and dry layers) that way?
Also: What does it mean when the crust seems done before the interior is quite done? Too much heat? I took the temp reading just inside the metal door and I think the temp might have been higher further inside the stove. It seemed that way when baking (door side pan not as brown) plus the heat level when I stuck my gloved hand in there.
Please help a beginner if you can!
Jamie and Katrina's brick oven with temperature gauge, in Victoria.
Concrete blocks used for the oven’s outer walls. By Joe in Connecticut USA
Wood fired family oven and chimney project by Robert in Austria
My oven with fireplace, cook food and heat water, by Joel in Philippines
Baking sourdough breads in quantity in Canada
Pizza oven and hut built by Tony in Philippines