jasmine rice conversion
Breadcrumbs: main menu • jasmine rice menu • Hyakume Japanese
Amount: 1 hyakume Japanese (百目) of jasmine rice weight
Equals: 0.014 US bushels (bsh - bu) in jasmine rice volume
Work out the volume in US bushels of jasmine rice per 1 hyakume Japanese weight unit.
TOGGLE : from US bushels into hyakume Japanese in the other way around.
CONVERT : between other jasmine rice measuring units - complete list.
Jasmine Rice uncooked
This calculator is based on the exact weight of uncooked jasmine rice total which is precisely 185 grams or 6-1/2 ounce net wt. per one US cup.

Convert jasmine rice culinary measuring units between hyakume Japanese (百目) and US bushels (bsh - bu) of jasmine rice but in the other direction from US bushels into hyakume Japanese.
Multi-units converting tool for rice amounts: main rice varieties converter.
Culinary arts school: jasmine rice conversion
The jasmine rice quantities converter for chef cooks, students of culinary arts classes and for home kitchens.
This online culinary jasmine rice from 百目 into bsh - bu converter is a handy tool not only for experienced certified professionals in food businesses and skilled chefs in state of the industry's kitchens model.
Other applications of this jasmine rice converter are ...
With the above mentioned units converting service it provides, this jasmine rice converter also proved to be useful as a teaching tool and for practising hyakume Japanese and US bushels ( 百目 vs. bsh - bu ) conversion exercises by new culinarians and students (in classrooms or kitchens at home) who have been learning this particular cooking or baking mastery art in culinary colleges, in schools of culinary arts and all other kinds of culinary training for converting weights and liquid/fluid volume measurements as well as dietary food value contained in jasmine rice with its nutritional values we eat.
Unit symbols used by international culinary educational institutions and training for these two jasmine rice amounts are:
Prefix or abbreviation ( abbr. ) brevis - short unit symbol for hyakume Japanese is: 百目
Prefix or abbreviation ( abbr. short brevis ) unit symbol for US bushel - level is: bsh - bu
One hyakume Japanese of jasmine rice converted to US bushel - level equals to 0.014 bsh - bu
How many US bushels of jasmine rice are in 1 hyakume Japanese? The answer is: The change of 1 百目 ( hyakume Japanese ) unit in a jasmine rice measure equals = into 0.014 bsh - bu ( US bushel - level ) as in the equivalent measure and for the same jasmine rice type.
Professional people always ensure, and their success in fine cooking depends on, using the most precise units conversion results in measuring their rice ingredients. In speciality cooking and baking an accurate weight or volume measurements of jasmine rice are totally crucial. If there is an exact measure in hyakume Japanese (百目) used in weight units, it's the rule in the culinary arts career to convert it into the US bushels (bsh - bu) volume number of jasmine rice in a precise manner. It is like an insurance policy for the master chef, so that all the meals are created perfectly every time.
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